
Love and Heartbreak

Heartbreak. It’s such a lonely feeling and love is the cure-all. The medicine that makes a smile appear on your face and an increase in dopamine become present. It gets your brain’s reward system going and makes falling in love with someone a pleasurable experience, and euphoric. But take that love away, and you are …

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Stone Tough and Brand New

So today I am writing about what I've been going through the last few years. It's full of change and renovation of the mind, body, and spirit. Do I worry about posting my truths? Yes. But it's not like I'm the only one who has to go through these things before, or are trying to get through them now. Hopefully this can help people understand where I've been and why my attitude is so much more different.

Take Back Your Life After a Relationship with a Narcissist

Many who have experienced being a relationship with a narcissist can attest to the fact that many of us experience PTSD after the fact. We have to relearn how to love ourselves, realize many of the lies the N had told us were simply untrue and, above all, capture and hold onto the idea that we are not crazy. The narcissist will use gaslighting to make us feel like we are absolutely bonkers!